The weekend proved a mixed bag of experiences, Friday after the infusion I drove myself down to see the surgeon at Pembury and, other than the pins and needles, felt fine. Saturday I felt so good I did some maintenance on my mountain bike, changed the brake pads, but by Saturday night I felt dreadful. I had terrible indigestion and hiccoughs, these were so bad that I hardly slept at all Saturday night, Sunday I was completely shattered and again Sunday night I felt rough. Initially I put this feeling down to the steroids as I had no experience these drugs before and didn't really know what to expect. However, Stella did some Internet searching and the cause may the the anti sickness tablets. It seems that they can cause this sort of reaction in someone with a stoma. I am experimenting with not taking them at the moment, I never felt any nausea when I took Capecitibine previously and didn't take any anti sickness so until I can ask advice at the hospital I shall see how it goes.
Monday Stella and I went for a walk in Knole park, a very regular event now, It always feels good to get out in the fresh air and Monday was no exception. Even the pins and needles I felt in my face didn't detract from the walk. I had to sleep in the afternoon but it was a very welcome rest after the weekend.
And so to today (Tuesday) I feel fine as I write this, I seem to have recovered some of my energy. I might get my hair cut today and my eyebrows trimmed (beginning to look like Dennis Healey!). Later we're going to the hospital where Stella is going to be shown how to flush my PICC line. Assuming she is okay with this procedure the number of visits to the hospital will be reduced quite significantly.
Why do eyebrows grow like that when you get older? I may not use hair 'products' in my hair anymore but some eyebrow gel might be useful!