Sunday, 23 October 2011

Nuclear medicine start up

 Received two the two letters detailing my Chemo/Radio therapy appointments yesterday. I have a Chemo appointment on the 11November and Radio therapy appointments starting on the 15 November every day, Monday - Friday until 19 December. I think I'll end up with Christmas off and the major operation (stage 3 in previous post) early in the New Year.

In all the appointments the one that worries me most is a 30 minute meeting in the 'quiet room',  I dread these meetings! You think they could come up with another name for the room 'the bad news room' would at least be more honest.

Elsewhere, I switched on the TV to watch MotoGP today and learnt of the very sad death of Marco Simoncelli he was, most definitely, a future champion.

1 comment:

  1. hey John, I wondered where you'd gone as we hadn't seen you at Croydon for a while! Liking the sexy bearded look, it suits you.Take care of yourself and make the most of Stella spoiling you. Don't fear the 'quiet room' - one day it will be the 'good news' room :)
    best wishes,
    Lynne x
