Monday, 5 December 2011

Start of the 4th Week

Start of the 4th week and I managed to get out on my bike today (Monday) after we got back from Hospital. This is the second time I have been out wearing my 'girdle', what a revelation, absolutely no pulling around my stoma I almost felt back to my normal self. I even managed a little tentative off road section on this ride, I still can't go far and use the 'granny' ring to go up hills much more than I would normally. I am determined to be as fit, emotionally and physically, as I possibly can without compromising my health as I am convinced this helps with going through the treatment and recovery.

Last week we saw Tim and Elaine, a couple of our oldest and dearest friends. We don't see each other from year to year but when we do the conversation (and wine) flows as though we'd seen each other yesterday, as usual, we promised to stay in touch and also as usual I suspect we will see them in a year or so's time.

I find I feel increasingly emotional, this was borne out at the weekend which saw the Baptism of one of our Grandaughters, quite naturally, it's becoming rarer to have all the children together at single event these days. Looking around at them all, listening to the boys doing the readings and seeing the fluid ease with which the Grand children could be passed from one to another of the older girls and how natural it all seemed; It suddenly struck me how beautiful they all are, I was overcome with that thought.
I'm not sure if a brush with mortality or a complete realignment of personal priorities can explain this emotional change but I don't think I can go back to the old less emotional self.


  1. Hi John,
    glad to hear you are doing well. You and Stella must feel really proud when you see the entire family together.

  2. Hi John. Looking good on your bike. Stella and you are doing so well. Have a great Christmas and look forward to meeting up in the New Year. Mark (ex H40 now at H41).
